"I approach each wedding with sincerity, creativity and most importantly- sensitivity so that I am able to capture the emotions and spirit of the day as it naturally unfolds."
2009 was such an fantastic year! I had the privilege of photographing the weddings of so many incredible couples and I feel so fortunate. I witnessed as dozens of couples pledged their lives to one another and attended so many beautiful, unique and festive celebrations. I am so lucky to get to do what I do! Thanks to all of the amazing people who have let me into their lives and allowed me to capture their wedding day.
Here’s a collection of random images that caught my eye. More to come...
Merci Martin pour le superbe travail! On a adore travailler avec toi. Tu étais relax et ca nous a permis d'apprécier notre journée au maximum. L'album est de toute beauté. Ce sont de merveilleux souvenirs que nous garderons pour toujours. On n’aurait pas pu demander mieux!!!
loves life / should start reading real books / musician / I’m a optimistic pessimist / I’m a Libra / I'm a philosopher / loves good coffee / loves Bob Dylan / I specialize in commercial / weddings / stock and advertising / wears bandanas / I don't own a Harley-Davidson / workaholic / loves sharing and collaborating / persistent / I'm quiet...not shy / I'm hard of hearing / played music all my life / loves black & white / misses slide film / loves learning new things / people say I'm nice...isn't that nice? :) / what is nice? / my favourite lens is a 24-70 mm/ f/2.8 / shot with Nikon all my life / counts sheep’s when I’m awake / loves Spiderman / I’m Peter Parker / will make you repeat often / my favourite colour is purple / I'm French Acadian / watched “Back To The Future” approximately 248 times / I have a crush on Milla Jovovich / could live without tv / not a fan of cats / when I grow up, I want be an actor / intuitive / I look forward too… / I begin where I left off… / I feel alive when I’m creating; experiencing life through a viewfinder.
Merci Martin pour le superbe travail! On a adore travailler avec toi. Tu étais relax et ca nous a permis d'apprécier notre journée au maximum. L'album est de toute beauté. Ce sont de merveilleux souvenirs que nous garderons pour toujours. On n’aurait pas pu demander mieux!!!
Encore merci! :)
Nathalie & Bernard
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